Elder Law
Shaffer Law attorneys and staff are passionate advocates for the elderly and their loved ones. We recognize that the legal needs of older adults are distinct and that their concerns must be addressed with care, understanding, and compassion. Our attorneys and staff bring years of experience to bear as we guide our clients through the sensitive legal, emotional, and physical issues unique to this exceptional group of individuals. We regularly advise clients on a wide array of elder law issues including:
• Health Care Planning, Including Long Term Care Options and Medicaid Planning
• Guardianships
• Estate Planning
• Medical Advanced Directives
• Financial Powers of Attorney
• Retirement Benefits
• Veterans’ Benefits
• Assistance Regarding Day-to-Day Matters Affecting the Elderly

Ideally, a power of attorney and advance medical directive will have been previously done and provide directions to an agent to make decisions for an impaired individual. If not, and if an individual has become cognitively impaired and is unable to make and communicate responsible decisions, he may need to have a guardian appointed for him by the Court. The process involves an attorney representing the petitioning individual who desires to have the court appoint a guardian for an impaired individual, as well as an attorney appointed by the court to represent the alleged disabled person.
Asset Protection
Many people have been improperly informed about what happens when one is elderly and facing the exorbitant costs of nursing care. There are some tools available to allow an aging individual to protect some of his or her assets for family members. If there is a crisis situation where there is impending nursing home care, there are still ways for a client to protect some of his or her hard-earned money for family members. With proper planning before crisis occurs, there are methods to protect assets long before an individual is facing nursing home care.